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  • Writer's pictureLauren Cohen

Book review: The Authenticity Project

If you are in need of a light-hearted, wholesome read, look no further! The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley was just that.

The story starts off with Julian, an older man who feels like life is passing him by. In a desperate attempt to bring some authenticity into his everyday, he writes a journal entry in a notebook and leaves it in Monica’s café for a stranger to find. Somehow, maybe due to fate, his plan works.

His entry, starting off with “How well do you know the people who live near you?” turns out to be the catalyst for a whole new community of connection blossoming in Southwest London.

I adored the motley crew of Pooley’s characters. Julian, a quirky old fellow, Monica, a formidable but sweet-to-the-core café owner, Hazard, a goofy recovering addict, Alice, a pent-up mommy influencer, and Riley, a free-spirited Aussie, are just a few stars of the Authenticity Project’s cast.

This story was just what I needed amid a stressful final semester. I squeezed this read in-between several school assignments while soaking up some VA spring sunshine. It was so cheerful, and I especially loved the cozy nights in Monica’s café spent painting, eating, and laughing. I recommend this one for a finals week distraction or a beach read!!

Rating: 4/5 cups of mulled wine

If you have picked this one up, which character do you relate to the most?

xx, Lauren

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